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How to detangle your hair?

visibility845 Views comment0 comments person Posted By: Alla Mykhailenko list In: Blog

Tangled hair is the nightmare of every woman with long hair. Don’t rush cutting your hair! We will tell you how to detangle even very tangled hair at home easily and without loss.

The longer the hair, the faster it gets tangled. But not everyone knows that thin and delayed hair is more prone to tangles, so if you want to solve the problem, take care of hair health. Take vitamins, avoid bad habits, do not eat fast food often and, of course, take care of your hair: wash it regularly, nourish and trim split ends.

Before moving on to the secret of how to detangle your hair painlessly and quickly, it is best to find the root of the problem: why your hair is tangled. The cuticle of healthy hair has a smooth and uniform surface, but when hair gets tangled, it becomes uneven. Since hairs are constantly in motion and in contact with each other, because of this, they can roll into knots and even tangles. So if your hair is constantly tangled this is a sure sign that hair is dry or damaged, or both at once. However, if your hair only got tangled a couple of times, it could be an accident or because of the way you slept.

There are a few things that you can do to detangle your hair effectively. The best way to detangle natural hair is by working in small sections and using a lot of moisture and a leave-in treatment. So, how do you go about detangling your hair in the best way possible? Follow these tips!

One way to detangle your hair is by using a wide-tooth comb. This will help to prevent any breakage and will make the process a lot easier. Start at the ends of the hair and work your way up, making sure to be gentle. If your hair is dry, make sure to apply a lot of moisture first – this will help to prevent any breakage.

Another way to detangle your hair is by using a leave-in treatment. This will help to add moisture to the hair and will make it easier to comb through. Make sure to apply the leave-in treatment throughout the entire hair shaft, from the roots to the tips. In our store we have a lot of different leave-in treatment. Cheack out our website,, and for sure you will find leave-in treatment that works for your hair type.

Lastly, you should always try to detangle your hair when it's wet. This is because the hair is more elastic when it's wet, which makes it less likely to break. Be sure to use a lot of conditioner and a detangling product when you're detangling your hair – this will help to make the process a lot smoother.

So, these are some of the best ways to detangle your hair. Follow these tips and you'll be able to get rid of any tangles without causing any damage. Have a happy and healthy head of hair!

With love and care for your hair, Utiee - beauty store!

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