Credit Cards
We currently accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express. You can store multiple credit cards to use for your online purchase on During this step in the checkout process, you can add, edit, or delete your information. Select one credit card for the payment of your order.
When your credit card is authorized, funds are put on hold until the transaction is completed. When the order is shipped, the payment is processed.
Your billing information must be exactly as it appears on your credit card statement. If any numbers are different, the order cannot be processed. Be sure to correctly spell city names and avoid using abbreviations unless that is how your information appears on your statement.
Contact your financial institution if you need the exact billing address associated with your credit card.
For your security, may require you to enter your 3- or 4-digit card identification number (CID/CVN/CVV/CVC) on certain orders for Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover credit cards. See below for help with credit card identification numbers.
Visa/MC/Discover Card Customers:
Your Security Code/CID (Card Identification Number) is in the signature area on the back of the card (it is the last 3 digits AFTER the credit card account number). Visa/MC/Discover customer CIDS are 3 digits.
Back of Visa/MC/Discover Card
American Express Customers:
Your Security Code/CID (Card Identification Number) is a 4-digit number on the front of the card, ABOVE the embossed (raised) credit card account number. This number is referred to as the "Security Code." American Express customer CIDs are 4 digits.
Front of American Express Card
Credit Card Security
Utiee provides safe and secure checkout by encrypting your credit card information using SSL. For more information about our secure checkout, read our Privacy Policy.
Debit Cards
When an order is submitted, the funds are put on hold and will be unavailable to you. The funds will remain on hold until the order is shipped. At that time, the hold will become the settled charged.
If an order attempt is unsuccessful, Utiee immediately reverses electronically the pending authorization. The financial institution may take 5-7 business days to remove any pending authorizations. Policies differ from bank to bank. Call your financial institution for more details.
Multiple failed order attempts will result in multiple pending authorizations. Your payment method will only be charged when a successful order is shipped.
PayPal is an alternate method for purchasing your order on It enables any individual with an email address to securely send payments online. With a PayPal account, you can choose to pay with your credit card, debit card, bank account, or PayPal account balance for any purchase you make.
Fraud Protection Program
All payment forms are subject to verification and review by Utiee. Utiee reserves the right to refuse to process any transaction, sale, or shipment of orders due to suspected fraud or unauthorized or illegal activity. To find out more about our fraud protection program, please see our Terms of Use.