Hair Care Donts

Everyone wants to have beautiful dense hair. We spend money on expensive hair care products, but the hair still isn’t great. What do we do wrong? Maybe I need to get different care products or just cut my hair? So many questions and we have the answers for you! If you want to change something start with small things. This principle also applies to hair care. There are so many things we do wrong in our hair routine without noticing. At Utiee we care for our customers and our goal is to help you with your hair route. Let’s look at a few things we shouldn’t do if we want to have healthy and strong hair.
Hair Care Donts:
1. Don’t dry hair right after showering
Allow your hair to dry slightly before you use a hairdryer. During drying, control the temperature and make sure you hold the hairdryer at a distance of 15 cm from the hair. If you don't plan on styling, use warm air. Pay attention direction of airflow. Ideally, it should be along the growth of the cuticle, at an angle. Another importanDon’t” in hair care is don’t rub the hair with a towel (especially a terry towel) by doing this you can damage the hair structure.
2. Don't make a tight ponytail
A ponytail is very practical but not always good for your hair. Pulling the hair together, the elastic band damages its structure and deprives them of nutrition. We are not saying that you need to forget about ponytails forever, the main thing is not to use a tight hair tie and try to don’t make ponytails too often.
3. Don’t forget about thermal protection during heat styling
We usually apply sunscreen before going to the beach because we don’t want to burn. Why then so many people forget about thermal protection for hair? Remember a simple rule: if you are using a hot styling tool, you must apply heat protection to your hair. Even if you don’t use any heat styling tools, applying hair oil with sun protection properties is still recommended. Direct sunlight can be as harmful to our hair as heat styling.
4. Don’t wash your hair daily
Frequent use of the shampoo washes away natural oils from the scalp and hair, which gives shine and density. Try to shampoo at least every other day. If you own oily hair, get a deep cleansing shampoo and use it once in 2 weeks to wash off all the sebum buildups. We also recommend you try out scalp scabs.
5. Don’t apply conditioners and hair mask roots
Applying conditioner or mask to the roots may cause clog of the sebaceous glands of the head, which leads to excessive secretion of sebum and hair loss. We recommend slightly drying hair with a towel before applying a mask or conditioner. In such a way, hair absorbs more of the product. One more tip, use the conditioner after the mask.
We hope this article was helpful for you! Visit our website to find your perfect hair care.
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Utiee with love and care for your hair!